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John Q Cheesehead was born on a farm outside White Lake. At 16 he dropped out of high school to join the army.

John Q served in the Kerean and Vietnam Police Actions. During his third consecutive tour in Nam Johnny was captured by Charlie. He escaped from the Hanoi Hilton when aliens abducted him.

After a series of anal probes and other tests aboard the mother ship he was sent back to Earth. Instead of returning him to the jail where they found him they left him with a family of Yeti in the Himalayan mountains.

He eventually found refuse at a Buddhist Monsistary. After several years of soal serching and deep meditation John Q was ready to return to Wisconsin.

John Q enjoys spending his free time hunting, fishing, and gardening. John Q's main goal is to obtain a lifestyle of complete self suficency. He cuts his own firewood to heat his home, brews his own moonshine, sews his own coonskin hats, and raises his own goats for passover sacricifies.

John Q's interest in politics came when found out that even if one hunted deer with a tomahawk they had to get a licence and kill it during hunting season.

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